Xiaomi Redmi Pro smartphone was launched on July 27. The Redmi Pro comes in three versions. The high-end 4GB RAM+128GB version, the 3GB RAM+64GB version. The 3GB RAM+32GB version with MediaTek Helio X20 processor. Xiaomi Redmi Pro adopts brushed Aluminium design with CNC chamfered edges andavailable in black, silver and gold colors. It measures 151.5 x 76.2 x 8.15 mm and weights 174g. Xiaomi Redmi Pro features a 5.5-inch full HD OLED display with a fingerprint sensor and runs the MediaTek’s Helio X25 chipset with 10-cores (Two A72 cores), which is clocked at 2.5 Ghz and has a Mali T880 GPU for more efficient gaming. There’s also a version with MediaTek Helio X20 processor. Redmi Pro comes with a 13 megapixel Sony IMX258 sensor camera on top for still images, and 5 megapixel Samsung sensor rear camera for depth on the bottom. The battery is 4050 mAh. Redmi Pro goes on sale in China on August 6.

Now let’s have a look at Xiaomi Redmi Pro unboxing pictures.


Redmi Pro comes in a simple white box with 1 x Redmi Pro, 1 x Built-in Battery, 1 x Type-C Cable, 1 x Eject pin, 1 x power adapter and 1 x User manual inside.


Redmi Pro is designed with brushed aluminium body and with CNC chamfered edges, it provides you the premium sense of the metallic texture. The device is also equipped with a 2.5D curved glass, providing you with a better visual view.


Redmi Pro features a 5.5 inch OLED FHD (1920×1080 pixels) display, which offers superior image quality. There is a fingerprint home button at the bottom of the phone. The surface of the home button is made of ceramic, which provide high sensitivity and high degree of recognition.

Left side: standard mode      Right side: F0.95 lens

Dual Camera

Redmi Pro is equipped with dual camera which lets you capture the image at first and then adjusting the depth of field which in turns providing you with the outstanding DSLR quality bokeh which for sure will be a great news to all users who like to capture images with their devices. The 13MP Sony IMX 258 sensor will capture the still images, while the 5MP Samsung camera will capture the depth information.


From left to right: IR transmitter, 3.5mm earphone jack, Mic

USB Type-C charging port, Loudspeaker

The Xiaomi Redmi Pro will be available in China starting August 6. You can pre-order Xiaomi redmi Pro now from 




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